A Psychologist to Boot


Meet Chaz

ChazThis submission is by Susan Matt, whose everyday Hero Dog is Chaz, a Boston Terrier.

My Dog is My Hero Because…

My daughter had just come home from a very bad day in fourth grade.  Someone had said something and she was in tears.  She came in the front door and went right upstairs to her room.  I followed her in and found her sitting tragically hunched on the floor, her sheepskin boots cast aside, still sobbing.  I sat down next to her, trying to think of the right motherly thing to say that would make it all better.  I was so absorbed with getting a dialog started that I hadn’t even noticed Chaz our Boston terrier had followed me in.  He was sniffing around her boots and had put his head into one.  He stood up with the boot stuck on his head and staggered across the room.  We laughed so hard, we both had tears running down our faces and she instantly recovered.  I’m still grateful to Chaz because to this day I have no idea what I would have said to her.

Learn more about the Hero Dog Awards.

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