Kinetic Kaiya

Accelance Dev


Hi everyone! I am Kaiya, a 2 year old Miniature American Shepherd, a.k.a. Mini Aussie. I was born in Santa Monica County, California, and, when I was 8 weeks old, mom and dad drove from Seattle to pick me up. We drove the 1,100 mile trek back in one go, stopping only for food, fuel, and potty breaks. A few big naps later, I was in the PNW!

I love hanging out with mom and dad, especially when we go on trips together. I get to run around the woods during our mountain biking outings. During winters (I love snow!), cross country skiing and fat biking excursions are pretty awesome. Exploring new places, checking out new smells and admiring new sceneries make me very happy. After a big active day, there’s nothing like cuddling up against mom and dad for a nap.

I love to play. Dad calls me “the eternal play machine.” I believe I can catch Frisbees forever. I am also an aspiring doggie soccer goalie. “Find it” is pretty neat, but I think it requires too much patience while my toy gets hidden. Doing agility at Zoom Room Seattle is the best! I get to go, go and go! The trainers are my BFFs, they show me how to expand my abilities while having a good time.

Going to classes at Zoom Room Seattle has strengthened my relationship with mom and dad, as well as helped me handle new challenges. I look forward to learning more from the trainers. I am looking forward to my upcoming scent workshop. I also hope to try out urban herding.

Kaiya’s owner, WilL & Margie, had this to say:

Will @turtlecruiser
Margie @coyotethejeep

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