Sheebee bounded into our puppy classes with adorable grace; she’s wonderfully well-mannered while learning, and polite and sweet while playing with the other puppies! She especially loves the ball pit, and it’s simply too cute to watch. Her family has so many wonderful nicknames for her we could hardly choose just one– SheeBee a mouthful, indeed! If you are looking for a dose of sweetness in your life, then SheeBee just what the doctor ordered.
- Favorite Toy: Her “Hiedi Baby”, a big white stuffed bear that her Aunt Hiedi gave to her when she was just 5lbs and the toy was bigger than her. Although, she knows exactly what toy she wants depending on what she wants to do. Interaction? She brings the rope tug? Too much energy? She brings the ball for fetch. Comfort and everything else? Her Hiedi Baby.
- Favorite Treat: Hot dogs and freeze dried liver
- Favorite Hobby: CCollecting sticks and branches. She can hardly go on a walk without finding a way to scoop one up like it’s gold. There became so many she brought in that we started keeping them and put them in a vase as a center piece for our dining room table.
- Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: The Ball Pit!!! She likes to hop in and out like she has springs on her feet and take balls out one by one. She likes it so much, that we bought one of her own, but she just doesn’t favor the one at home the way she does at Zoom Room.
SheeBee Mahoney’s owner, Erin, had this to say:
“SheeBee” got her name because we knew she would be so many things, starting with perfect. So, we call her SheeBee Perfect Mahoney, but can also turn into SheeBee Hangry, SheeBee Crazy, SheeBee Fancy. She also goes by the Golden Grizzly, the Tan Tyrant, and the Caramel Chaos.
SheeBee in no rush. Waking up at the crack of dawn with SheeBee is my favorite part of the day. She doesn’t even make a peep in her crate, but I can tell she’s awake. And when I open the door, I sit on the floor with her until she’s fully ready to start her day, it sometimes takes 10 minutes! She’s has no urgency to eat, go potty, or do anything but take her time stretching (like, multiple, multiple yoga poses), curling up in my lap, or just laying there—half in, half out of her crate looking around at the ceiling. She’s an absolute angel in those morning hours and it’s such a great way to remember there’s no rush and to appreciate the moment. Of course, the other 20 hours of the day are a totally different story 🙂

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