An Energetic Blonde Roast!



Brew is a sweet, energetic boy, who wants nothing more than to share his love with the world. In fact, he was SO eager he needed to start with us in private lessons to build some self-control – but he absolutely ROCKETED through not only his private lessons, but every group class since! He is so smart and sincere that you can’t help but adore him. We couldn’t think of a better dog to represent September than the refreshing Brew himself!

  • Favorite Toy: A floating yellow sun toy that he swims with (he will not swim if he doesn’t have this toy).
  • Favorite Treat: Fresh strawberries
  • Favorite Activity: Swimming, to the point that we had to get him a life vest because he would refuse to get out of the pool even as he began to get too tired.
  • Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: A-frame in agility class (by far)

Brew’s owner, Chandler, had this to say:

Brew is a fun loving dog and truly our best friend. We have had Brew since he was 8-weeks old and ever since then he has been the sweetest, most cheerful dog. Brew loves playing with his toys at home, swimming whenever he gets a chance, bird watching (and chasing), and he absolutely loves going to classes at zoom room!
While Brew enjoys his playtime, he also has a calm and affectionate side. He loves to relax at home, often curling up next to you on the couch, and absolutely always just wants to be close.

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