Sebastion was our first Advanced Obedience graduate! He and his mom visit us regularly and do Rally Obedience too! Sebastion has an amazing personality and a great sense of humor. all our trainers look forward to seeing him in their classes because he never fails to amaze and entertain. He can be such a comedian! He runs side by side with mom (did we mention he has a great Heel position?)
- Favorite Toy: Squeaky tennis ball
- Favorite Treat: Mom’s homemade “doggy Ice cream”
- Favorite Fun past time: Running and camping
- Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: shopping on the treat bar
Sebastion’s owner, Adria, had this to say:
We rescued Sebastion from the NV Humane Society when he was 2 months old and only weighed 5lbs! He loves to go on runs, walks, and trips to the dog park. He also loves to go camping where his whole goal is to get as dirty as he can!

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