Safety First!


Safety Information – COVID-19

Our top priority at Zoom Room is the health and well being of our clients and staff. 

We are doing so by maintaining our regular health & safety practices plus additional ones which you can read about below.

We will continue to evaluate on a daily basis, and we will here provide any updates or changes to our policies and operations as the situation continues to evolve.

Human & Dog Safety Measures

During the current COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of the practices and protocols we have always had in place:

  • We use hospital-grade germicide on all surfaces
  • We require everyone to provide written proof of their dog’s current vaccination status
  • We offer small group classes
  • Limited staff members are present in addition to clients in class
  • We use the “six-foot rule” to maintain distance between clients
  • We always have hand sanitizer available, mounted on our cleaning stations

Additional Safety Precautions for Coronavirus

While the above safety and sanitary procedures have always been in effect, due to the coronavirus situation we are also now including the following additional practices:

  • Specific focus is being given to disinfecting door handles, light switches, gates and other “touchpoints” around the store throughout the day.
  • Masks are required by law and are just plain smart. We will wear masks, and so will you.
  • We will limit contact with your dog and training methods have been modified.
  • Please stay home if you’re ill or believe you may have been exposed; we will do the same.
  • Any client who is ill or believes they may have been exposed should please contact us. We will cancel classes for you at no charge and will provide an extension on any services so that you can use them as soon as it’s safe for you to do so.
  • If you need to cancel a visit, we would ask that you please notify us 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment so we can plan accordingly. There will be no penalties for any cancellations.
  • Please follow CDC guidelines regarding hand washing, physical greetings, self-isolation, etc.

We are here to work with you, in any way we can, to make your experience as stress-free and enjoyable as always.

Please contact us if you have any questions at all.


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