The Positive Impact of Dog Agility Training on Your Dog’s Health and Weight

Zoom Room Press

Agility Classes Help with Muscle Tone and Weight Loss – October 10, 2012

This article takes a look at the positive impact of Zoom Room, on your and your pooch’s waist lines.

Participating in agility classes keeps pets’ heart rate up, and increases their muscle tone, both of which help them shed weight faster,” says Jaime Van Wye, who established the first Zoom Room in Culver City, California, in 2007.

Over the years she’s seen huge changes in pets. “A Shetland sheep dog waddled into the first class it attended,” she said, “but once she lost some of that excess weight, she had more energy and was happier. She could actually jump over the jumps, whereas at first we had to have her walk over them.

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