Bond Over Your Dog at the Zoom Room
CBS Los Angeles – July 9, 2013
This review of great dog-friendly date ideas, compiled by CBS for dog lovers in Los Angeles, spotlights all the fun a couple can have at the Zoom Room — or rather, a threesome, since the dog is of course required.
Are you and your buddy Type-A personality balls of energy? Then you’ve come to the right place. Here, you will act as a team to develop and master skills that dreams are made of. There are an impressive variety of offerings, from standard obedience to therapy dog training, agility, dog tricks, scent class and other enrichment options. The center also features an indoor dog park and private gym, a great option when the weather outside isn’t playing nice. Specialized exercise classes such as Pup-lates are available if you like to get fancy with it. Bond, sweat, communicate, learn and play the overachiever way at this wonderful facility.
Read the full coverage: CBS Los Angeles
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