Dog Agility Training in Thousand Oaks

Zoom Room Press

Dog Agility in Thousand Oaks

Thousand Oaks Dogs Have Their Own Gym

ABC7 News visited the Zoom Room indoor dog training gym in Thousand Oaks, CA to showcase dog agility training classes and the benefit to both dogs and humans.

The benefits are far reaching – not only do the dog and the human both get a great workout, but as the emphasis is on improved communication, it really deepens the bonds of communication and leads to happier, more well-rounded and better behaved family dogs.

Zoom Room offers small group classes in dog agility at all levels, from beginning to advanced. All dogs can do agility – that includes puppies, senior dogs, all breeds and sizes. The secret is the adjustable equipment, flexible curriculum and schedule, and expert instruction.

You can view the full coverage at ABC7 News.

If you’d like to learn more about dog agility training near Thousand Oaks, CA, or any other type of dog training, please visit the Zoom Room Thousand Oaks page using the button below.

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