Winston Angus Morgan was born on May 26, 2018 at Roseriver Kennels in Wichita, Kansas. Winston lives at home with his mom Suzie, dad John, human brother Ryan and new fur-brother MacArthur! Winston’s big human brother, Nick just went away to collage. At the Zoom Room, Winston is known for his Surfer dude hairstyle.
Winston, Ryan and Suzie have been taking classes at Zoom Room HB for the last 2 and half years. They have completed Puppy Obedience, Obedience 1, 2 Agility 1, 2, 3 and Rally obedience. They can now be seen in Obedience 3 and Agility 4 or in the Lobby during puppy classes when Mac is enrolled!
- Favorite Treat: BACON!!
- Favorite Place to go:: Zoom Room (of course! ๐ )
- Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Winston loves running the agility course with mom and getting loves from everyone in the lobby!
Winston’s owner, Suzie, had this to say:
Winston loves to turn on the Roomba and chase it around the house!

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