Summertime, CGC
Summer was born on April 30th, 2015. She lives at home with her owners, Megan and Nick, and Best Buds Kunaal and Liyah. Summertime is what we often call our cutest Agility jumper! Summer is a corgi/ husky mix and owners found her on craigslist.
Summer has been attending classes and events at the Zoom Room for the last year and a half. They began with us in Puppy Obedience, where were hypnotized by her cuteness and wrinkles. Summer successfully completed Puppy Agility, Agility 1-4, Obedience 1-3, Urban Herding, 2 Seasons of Agility League and got her CGC certification through our program.
Summer’s Favorite snacks and treats are BareBites, Peanut Butter, and French Fries. Her favorite places to go are to the Beach, Hiking, to the Zoom Room, Dog park, and … well anywhere the car takes her! Summer love car-rides!! It was during their first camping trip that Summer learned about her love to swim and going on adventures!
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