Manny started off in Zoom Room as a puppy at Zoom Room Hollywood. We opened the Zoom Room HB when Manny was 3 years. He has tried everything at ZR, from Tricks, Obedience, Rally, Agility and Urban Herding! He loves to show off his tricks for walk-ins and getting booty scratches from anyone willing to spend the time with him! Manny lives at home with his 14 year old brother, Oscar. Manny also loves playdates with his friends Duke and Forest!
- Favorite Toy: the Cockadoodle doo chicken!
- Favorite Treat: Minnows, like a dolphin
- Favorite Places to go: Zoom Room and downtown Huntington Beach
- Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Visit all the people and seeing the little kids!
Manny Pacquiao’s owner, Blane and Mel, had this to say:
Manny’s favorite friend is a little neighbor boy that comes by every weekend to visit with Manny! The boy started visiting when he was 4 and wasn’t tall enough to see Manny over the gate. Now the boy is 10 and still comes to give Manny a treat and booty scratches!

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