Duke was born on July 12, 2015. He is from San Bernardino, CA. Duke lives as home with brother Beau Snow, mom Miranda and dad Sean!
Duke has been coming to the Zoom Room since the day he was brought home! He started classes in Sept 2015! He started in Puppy preschool and puppy agility. He went on to complete puppy obedience, obedience 2 and 3, Agility 1-4, Scent 1 -3, Rally and Season 10 and 11 of our Agility League. Duke is our Season 10 Champion!
Duke’s favorite treats are Bare Bites, In n’ Out patties, or anything mom or dad has! Duke’s favorite places are Zoom Room for playdates with Manny, running around McCallen Park, and taking naps on the couch! Duke currently holds the record for the youngest puppy to weave at 5 months old!
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