It’s Time To Congratulate Maggie
The Zoom Room is proud to announce that Maggie, our Agility League star, is August’s Member of the Month. Maggie is known for her speed and accuracy as she races through the agility course, but that’s not all she’s good at.
Two-year-old Maggie is also good at turning lights on and off, stomping her feet like a bull preparing to charge, and singing. She is currently learning to jump rope, with her mom’s help, of course. Maggie’s favorite way to burn energy and keep her parents fit, though, has to be Agility League. In fact, Maggie took top honors in the last round of competition and is ready to defend her title.

Maggie takes a break from League
To relax, Maggie enjoys riding on the back of her dad’s motorcycle and eating any treat that’s put in front of her.
What breed is Maggie? That’s what her mom wanted to know, so she had Mags DNA tested. The results came back showing Maggie is 50% Russel Terrier and 50% who knows what. But, as Maggie’s mom put it, “at 40 pounds, something seems fishy.”
Congratulations, Maggie. You truly deserve to be August’s Member of the Month.
Don’t forget, your pooch can also compete to be our Member of the Month. Enter the competition on our Facebook page. And don’t worry, if you don’t win, you can re-enter the competition as many times as you’d like! Good luck and keep zooming!
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