Hi! I’m Teddy Yang, a soon-to-be 3-year-old pup who was born in Yakima, Washington. My birthday is October 19, 2020. I guess you can call me a pandemic baby!
I moved from Yakima to Motley Zoo Animal Rescue in the summer of 2021. My first fosters were in for a heart-stopping experience when I made a great escape into the wild for five days! Then I was taken in by Jme, the owner and founder of Motley Zoo. She named me Danny Boland. At first, when my mom got me, she named me Teddy Roosevelt, but I never go by that name. Today my nicknames are “bun-bun” or “bunny” (since I jump so high), and “boo-boo”.
I live on the eastside of Lake Washington with my mom Sherry and have been going to Zoom Room Bellevue since 2022. I just got my Canine Good Citizen certification after many obedience classes! I have also enjoyed Agility and Tricks & Puplates classes. My favorite activities at Zoom Room are going up and down the A-frame and eating cheese.
My mom and I took a look at my family tree, and learned I mainly have 31% Miniature Pinscher and 34% Chihuahua ancestry. I am also 11% Pittie, 5% Pomeranian, 4% Poodle, 3% Cocker Spaniel, 2% Dachshund, and 2% Beagle. Depending on what mood I’m in, and what angle I’m standing, you might see these different traits in me: Terrier, Guard, Companion, Sporting, and Hound dog. That said, mom mostly thinks I look like a combination of a little deer, meerkat, bunny, and bush baby.
At home, I love to play with my ball, eat my cheese stick and squeaky toys, play fetch in the park, and sleep on the sofa under a blanket. At the dog park, people often comment on how I am a fast runner. I really love a good chase! Hope to play with you sometime soon!
Teddy’s owner, Sherry, had this to say:

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