Rosie Posie



Hi everyone! My name is Rosie, but my mom calls me all sorts of names, like Rosie Posie, Bubbas, and Little Stinker (not sure how much I like that last one). I’m almost seven months old, and I’ve grown so quickly! My mom says I was the runt of my litter, and only a pound and a half when she picked me up. I have a six-year-old cousin named Roxi that lives with my grandpawrents in California, but I met her visiting my uncle in Idaho. I love travelling! My favorite thing to do is to go to play groups here at Zoom Room! I may be a miniature dachshund, but I like body slamming bigger puppies to show them I’m tough. I sleep in my mom’s bed at night and wake her up in the morning by licking her face or jumping on her; I can tell she loves it! Even though I have an overflowing basket of toys, my favorite is my poop bag holder. I get easily spooked by noises like knocking on a door or a dog barking, but I’m working on not barking as much when that happens. I also get quite excited during obedience class and try to say hi and run over to my new friends whenever I can. I’m working on being calmer there, too. If you see me around, I am always open to new treats!

Rosie’s owner, Paige, had this to say:

I’m so proud of how far Rosie has come since starting her training here at Zoom Room! She used to be so shy and only stayed in my lap during class; now, she is everyone’s best friend at play group and is learning new tricks! Rosie has a lot of sass in her tiny body, and she makes me smile and laugh every day. We are working hard on her reactive barking with private lessons, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the staff at Zoom Room Bellevue for loving her as much as I do!

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