Bow wow! I’m Pixel, a happy and energetic Border Collie. I was born on Camano Island, Washington and my birthday is Feb 12th, 2021. I’m full of energy and always ready to play. My favorite games are fetch and tug of war. I’m also a good swimmer. There’s nothing better than playing fetch in a river or lake with my Mom when it’s hot outside.
Just when I began to feel a bit bored with the same daily routine, my Mom started taking me to Zoom room for agility training and introducing a new Friend Nicole to me. This opened a completely new world to me. Although I was nervous in the beginning, it did not take much time before I found Zoom room a comfortable place to be in as I started enjoying doing agility. The best part about it is that I can play my favorite game tug of war when I finish some training tasks. When doing agility, all that I was thinking was to finish it fast so that I could play tug of war with my Mom as a reward sooner. Things changed after I was in the agility league. I began to realize that agility is not only about speed. Accuracy and how well I follow Mom’s commands also matter a lot. After a few trainings focusing on helping me following Mom’s commands better, I find that my Mom and I are making a better team together. I’m so proud that I won the “Best Weaves” and “Fastest Dog” titles when I attended the agility league.
Pixel’s owner, Qinwei, had this to say:
Pixel is such a lovely and smart dog. Sometimes we even feel that Pixel is a naughty little boy that likes to play with us rather than a dog. Pixel has brought so much joy to us since he became part of the family. We’re so happy to see how much progress Pixel has made so far in agility training. More importantly, he enjoys doing that. We hope that Pixel is happy all the time and he can enjoy every single moment of his life.

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