Hello! I’m Fendi, a fawn Doberman Pinscher. I was born June 26, 2018, and was adopted when I was just six weeks old. Mom loved me very much, but after three years in a small apartment with cats and a toddler, she could no longer care for me. I was sent to Petfinders Rescue.
My new Mom was grieving the loss of her forever friend and couldn’t wait for us to meet. I couldn’t stop wagging my tail as I met my new family—a Dad who treats and shares his meals, and a new Mom who loves and trains me.
Life became very different. I now live in a house where I have three cushy beds. And a huge garden full of squirrels and rabbits to chase, with space to run as fast as I want.
I was introduced to my vet who gave me shots and spayed me.
Then I was enrolled in obedience training, where, after many classes, I earned my Canine Good Citizen title. Additionally, I have a steady job retrieving the daily newspaper.
One day, Mom drove past a new place called Zoom Room, for dog training. She had noticed my passion for climbing onto tables, rocks and woodpiles, and thought I might enjoy agility. She was right! I love running over obstacles and through the tunnel. My self-confidence has blossomed through taking on more and more risks. Every week I look forward to the fun of my agility class and all the treats!
- Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: agility
Fendi’s owner, rosemarie, had this to say:

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