An Awesome Party for A Great Cause
We feel very privileged to have been able to host the first Wigglebutt Meet-up on Sunday, July 31st. It was an amazing time and we met some of the sweetest dogs around! The event benefited the Cocker Spaniel Rescue of Austin & San Antonio, and tons of cocker spaniels came to support their favorite rescue. All the dogs got agility lessons and massive amounts of love!
There are a bunch of amazingly cute pictures on our Facebook page – make sure to check it out! And, if you are interested in rescuing a cocker spaniel, we met several awesome dogs that need good homes! Visit the Cocker Spaniel Rescue’s website to find out more about them!
At the Zoom Room we believe in giving back to our community, so we love throwing benefits for great causes. Actually, we love throwing parties for almost any reason! If you have a big event coming up that you’d like to share with your dog, give us a call at 512-371-1223.
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