Too Cool for School – Tubular Toby



  • Favorite Toy: Plastic squeaky carrot or an Amazon box that he can tear up
  • Favorite Treat: Anything frozen in his Toppl
  • Favorite Hobby: Sitting by the window and announcing all neighborhood activity
  • Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Obedience class where he gets lots of treats and A frame in agility

Toby’s owner, Beth, had this to say:

Toby loves his people. He doesn’t really enjoy going for walks unless it’s to walk to the neighbor’s house. He knows which neighbors will spoil him with treats, hugs, and rides in their golf cart. He walks directly to those houses, and if his friends aren’t home, he has been known to plop himself down in their driveway to wait. At home, if he isn’t snuggling on the couch, he’s keeping watch in the backyard or at the window. His house is well protected from quail, bunnies, and lizards.

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