The Sweetest Emma!



Emma has learned so much during her time here at Zoom Room Arrowhead! Every time Emma and her mom come into the store, the Arrowhead Trainers’ days get infinitely better! We cannot thank Emma and Caroline enough for how much joy they have brought to us! Emma has had so much fun in Agility and Tricks classes, making so much progress each week! She has also made so many friends not only with her classmates but also in playgroup! We are so excited to see how much they learn from here on out!

  • Favorite Toy: Balls
  • Favorite Treat: Freeze Dried Beef Liver & Wild Weenies Game Bird
  • Favorite Place to be: Piano lab where mom teaches middle school choir and piano
  • Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Tricks class & Playgroup with her best friend Moxie

Emma’s owner, Caroline, had this to say:

Emma is a working girl and performs her service dog duties at the middle school I teach choir, piano, and general music. I am always amazed at the full time teacher schedule Emma keeps up with. Having a service dog like Emma has opened my eyes to how truly amazing dogs are and how much they can accomplish. Also, Emma just lights up when her service vest goes on and knows its time to go to work!

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