Magnus the great almighty



Hi there I’m Magnus. Most of you know me as Flint and probably know my story. For those of you who do not my life did not start out the best. Even with my life starting out bad I have not let that stop me from enjoying life. I love to run around and play with my new brother. I also love to pick things up that I find laying around especially if I find cardboard. That is by far my favorite thing to play with. Need a box broken down its Magnus to the rescue. I love to lay around outside and watch the world go by.

  • Favorite Toy: Cardboard and balls
  • Favorite Treat: cheese
  • Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Everything. I love to learn and climb on the agility equipment.

Magnus’s owner, Karen and Kyle, had this to say:

Oh what do we say about Magnus there is so much that I could be here for awhile. Magnus is a fun loving boy who lets nothing stand in his way of having fun or learning something new. We have not found anything that he is afraid of yet despite things that have happened to him. He joined our family and would not trade it for the world.As much as he is learning we are learning more about him too. He teaches us something new everyday. His personality is amazing and loves to go out and about meeting new people and chasing after the next leaf that blows out in front of him.

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