What Not to Share: Turkey Day Don’ts

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What Not to Share: Turkey Day Don’ts

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Your dog is part of the family and naturally you want them to feel included as you gather around the table this Thanksgiving.  However, you need to scrap the idea that if a food is harmless to you then it is safe to feed to your dog. This is especially important if you want to actually be home for the holidays (and not at the veterinarian’s).

Depending on the type and amount of food, your dog can at the least end up with a tummy ache.  On the other hand certain foods and amounts can be fatal for your favorite canine or lead to long-term ailments.  Be just as careful with your homework: there is more information out there than there is food on a Thanksgiving table.  A particular resource may say a certain food is okay for dogs when it fact your individual pup could be allergic to it. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about what your dog has ingested.

In general, turkey skin and bones are not good for dogs, nor are these other common holiday foods or ingredients: nutmeg, chocolate, macadamia nuts, salt, sugary foods and drinks and candy (especially those containing xylitol), raw bread dough, onions and garlic, alcohol, coffee, tea, and other forms of caffeine.

Thankfully, we have a wide variety of healthy treat options!  While you savor some sweet-potato casserole, your dog can enjoy all-natural yam chews.  These low-mess, high-fiber treats are one of many healthy choices you can feel good about giving to your dog, during the holidays or any day! Be sure to stop in and stock up soon!

Don’t forget, you can burn off those extra calories by bringing your dog for open gym time. Happy Holidays!

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