Kosher Dog Treats

Zoom Room

Kosher Dog Treats

Don’t Pass Over These Delicious Passover Treats!

Kosher Dog TreatsZoom Room is now exclusively carrying a wonderful line of Kosher-style dog treats, just in time for Passover!

Made locally, these treats are packaged in great little deli pints, which you’ll find in our fridge, nestled in their with our other frozen treats – such as frozen yoghurt for dogs, raw food, fresh bones and other goodies.

There’s not usually room at the Seder table for our four-legged friends, but since the holiday is all about welcoming everyone, why not treat your dog to his own celebration!

Our Kosher-style treats are available in the following tasty and nutritious varieties:

  • MAZEL TOV: Hypoallergenic “Grain Free” Natural Doggie Treats
  • MENSCH: Peanut Butter Sesame Treats
  • KOSHER GEHAKE LEBER: BBQ Beef liver with a hint of garlic
  • HINKUH: Sweet treats made from banana and carob

Kosher Dog TreatsOf course, you don’t have to celebrate Passover to celebrate your dog with these treats! In fact, here are some quick translations:

Mazel Tov – Congratulations! Essentially means the same thing as a click from your clicker when training your dog. Good job!

Mensch – Good Citizen. We think these may be the ideal reward to give your dog when he passes the CGC Test!

Gehake Leber – Chopper Liver. Next time you’re cooking dinner and your dog looks up with an expression that says, “What am I? Chopper Liver?” you can simply smile and hand him one of these bites.

Hinkuh – Training a Child for Life. This is the essence of what we teach in our Puppy, Obedience and other positive training classes.

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1 Comment

  1. Genoveva Soto

    I am looking to send someone a kosher doggie basket to new york. something small and cute. A small thank you.