Tapi the Talented

Accelance Dev

Tapioca TopoChico

Howdy! My name is Tapioca TopoChico, but you can call me Tapi. When I first started going to Zoom Room in February, you may have known me as Tapi the Timid…but now, I am Tapi the Talented! I am an 18-month old Havanese (born and raised in Seattle), and a Pandemic Pup who is still learning about a world where my mom, dad, and big sister Chimichurri (a 4-year old Airedale Terrier) are not at home altogether 24-7.

My parents started bringing me to Zoom Room to help me practice being around dogs other than my sister (who is my best friend and confidant), and to help strengthen my sense of self-confidence in new situations. While I can still get spooked around big dogs (especially when they move fast!), my parents tell me it’s about “Progress, Not Perfection,” and that they are really proud of my hard work- every little bouncy step forward!

After completing Obedience 1, I really found my place in Tricks & Puplates class! It turns out that I am WAY more confident around other dogs when I can be a clown and my parents give me little acts to do! After months and months of slowly building up my Sit Pretty routine, I can now hold it for over a minute – and I have the six-pack puppy abs to show for it (just in time to hit the beach!).

I am very honored to be Zoom Room’s Mr. August 2021, since I have been trying really, really hard to be a good boy. Thank you Zoom Room team for all your patience and grace in helping me feel comfortable and supported in class. Thank you for making space for me (and my anxious energy) in classes, and l am looking forward to more special chicken treats and Agility runs in the fall!


Tapioca TopoChico’s owner, Bernie and Katie, had this to say:

Tapi has taught us not to set expectations about what he will or will not be successful with – not be afraid to try new things. Without exploration, we never would have learned how much Tapi loves Tricks class, joining us for kayak trips, long-distance dog watching sessions, or tuning in for Formula 1 races – but he does!

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