Superb Sir!

Accelance Dev


I’m Sir Marshal, the Rhodesian Ridgeback. I was born in Canada with the name “Marshal” because I have a star marking on my chest like a fire marshal’s badge. “Sir” became my first name and we kept my original name as my middle name. I’m called “Marsh-Mellow” because I love to sleep 95% of the day like most Ridgebacks. The other 5% however, I’m rewarded the nickname “Sir-Marshal-Mayhem” and you’d understand if you’ve seen or heard me sprint and pronk about the yard or park. I have been known to bark at my own reflection in admiration for myself. I gain more confidence when I have mastered a new trick especially when I’m in a Zoom Room obedience class with my mom. Whether it’s a short walk to the mailbox or an adventurous hike in the forest, I love being with my family.

Sir’s owner, Annamarie, had this to say:

Sir lives with his family of four humans: big sister, little sister, and parents. His tribe that he sees nearly everyday include his favorite uncle, favorite auntie, big boy cousin, fellow Rhodesian Ridgeback cousin Jarvis, and two grandparent that spoil him with delicious food. He is admired from afar by his out of town aunt who sends him puppy puzzles and treats regularly. We all love our good Sir, and are absolutely grateful that he is our incredibly loyal big lap dog. Even though he is a family dog he’s an absolute Mama’s boy to mom, Annamarie.

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