Stupendous Steve

Accelance Dev


My name is Steve and I am 14 months old. I am named after a friend of my Mum and Dad’s who passed away before I was born. I was born in Missouri on December 07, 2022 and I travelled to live with my Mum and Dad in February last year. I love food (all types, at any time of day or night) and I’m also a real fan of stealing socks, particularly ‘pre-laundered’. Washington is great because there are many lakes and the ocean and lots and lots of sticks, which I love to retrieve from the water, I then whack my parents with the sticks before soaking them by shaking the water out of my coat directly onto their clothes. At the weekend I go to agility training and obedience training too. I love learning new skills and hearing that I’m a ‘good boy’. Also, when I go to Zoom Room I meet my friends and I get lots of treats when I do well.
I’m told I’m something of a ladies’ man (human ladies) and I suppose this is true because my Mum is my favourite thing in the world. Sometimes I tell my Mum I love her by jumping on her head when she is lying down, and I also go into the office with her to help her with her job.
After a morning in a lake and an afternoon session at Zoom Room we go back home and I have a lovely long snooze. I usually dream a lot and my humans think I dream about snacks because my mouth moves a lot when I’m asleep.

Thank you Zoom Room for my Dog of the Month award and for helping my Mum and Dad to understand me and to focus my mind. See you all soon.

Steve x

Steve’s owner, Ben & Ling, had this to say:


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