Hi y’all! My name is Daisy, and I’m a 6 month old pit mix (mixed with awesome, I bet). I was found in Texas with my littermates and brought up to my forever family by a group called the Big Dog Rescue Project. Not sure who thought it’d be a great idea to take me out of the sun because I hate the rain and don’t love the city, but I really love my new family and mom’s lap is my 2nd favorite place to be (Zoom Room is the 1st!).
My pawrents say I’m a bit *too* social, whatever that means. I just love love LOVE other dogs!!!!! I can’t wait to play with every pooch I set my eyes on. Social butterfly, life of the party, tornado on legs – I’m all of them x 100. I love coming to Zoom Room because it means treats, toys, Cheryl, and dogs. What more could you want?
Don’t tell anybody, but deep down, I really am a chill girl at heart. My cat brothers don’t seem to think so but one day we’ll be able to hang out together. In the meantime, I’ll keep sniffing, cuddling, and playing to my heart’s content. If you see me around (I’m there very often), feel free to say hi! I’ll be the one opera singing and tugging at the end of my leash as hard as I can to say hi to your dog (and maybe you if there are no dogs around).
Thanks for the honor of Dog of the Month!
Daisy’s owner, Tati & Cameron, had this to say:
She may be a bit “too social” but she is a loving and wonderful puppy!

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