My name is Sigge (Sigmund) and I’m a 10 month Australian Shepherd that started coming to Zoom Room in April 2021 after my Mom tried a couple other training facilities that weren’t a great fit for me. Zoom Room is the BESTEST!
I get to spend my days with my mom, we go to work where I’m training to hopefully one day be a certified Therapy Dog. Right now, my favorite part is when I get to lay on the floor and get my belly scritched. I also get to go to the dog park every day during lunch time and I get to see all my friends! And sometimes at home we have foster kittens and I get to follow around the babies and check what they’re doing all day, I’m soooooo curious and observant (that’s what Mom says).
Classes at Zoom Room help me focus all my energy and brain power. I LOVE when I get to come to ZoomRoom, I can’t wait to get out of the car and sniff the ground to find all the treat scraps left by other dogs! My favorite are the Agility courses and I especially love the TUNNEL!”
Sigge’s owner, Nicole, had this to say:
You can find us @threeleggedsassysfosters or @ndpiggott on Instagram.

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