Radiant Rowena

Accelance Dev


Well hello, My name is Rowena Ravenclaw MacLeod. That’s right my humans named me after two very intelligent fictional witches, and I do my very best to live up to their expectations. I cannot promise I am always the bestest girl on the block but I am fully chaotic good.

I am an almost 3 year old mystery black mix, my humans like to play guess the breed when people ask but in truth, I’m just a happy black kinda long, kinda short, kinda blocky dogo. They scooped me up from the Camano Island Shelter back in Jan 2022. No one really knows how I got there or how long I was in the shelter system but I’m glad they found me! I have some baggage so people call me dog reactive, but I have dog friends I just don’t think I need more.

Zoom room has given me a safe place to practice my agility skills without being worried about what other dogos might think about me. Agility lets me burn off some energy, learn new skills, and show how brave I can be. My human tries her best to keep up, I am much faster than her, lucky for her I’m very considerate and slow down so she doesn’t get left behind.

As the weather warms up I’m excited to start swimming again and getting to go on quiet hikes and camping trips! If you see me around I love people and will give you lots of kisses, just give me some space if you have your pup with you… it’s not them, it’s me.
– Your local neighborhood mutt signing off.

Rowena’s owner, Jenn, had this to say:


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