Positively Paris

Accelance Dev

Hi — my name is Paris, I’m an Ibizan Hound mix and I’m about 8 years old. I was rescued from a horrific dog meat trade in Thailand. When I arrived at the New York rescue I met a volunteer (soon to be mom) Tricia. I liked her right away. She always whispered to me  when she approached my cage. I liked that since I was afraid of loud noises.

When she moved to Seattle she adopted me. I was afraid of noises, people, dogs and most everything.  Most people didn’t think I had a tail because it was always so tightly wrapped in between my legs.  Lucky for me, my Mom found the Zoom Room training center.  For my first class I had a private session with Cheryl and I really liked her.

After a few sessions with her, she thought I was ready for the shy dog workshop where I would be around other dogs. That is where I met trainer Melissa. She was awesome too. She helped me graduate Obedience 1 & 2.

THEN I met another amazing trainer in Halley. She taught me  Agility 1 & 2 and am currently in Agility 3. I really love the teeter & tunnel & jumps. My favorite time at Zoom Room is when my mom  books me private gym once week. I get to run off leash and do lots of jumps. I’m allergic to chicken & beef so my mom found me some yummy treats at Zoom Room including Groovy Gator , Salmon Skins, Cod Skins and as a special treat I get a Femur bone ! When I’m not at zoom room I love long walks with my mom and riding in a car. 



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