Hi there! My name is Paddington J. L. Salisbury, Paddy for short. I am a two and 3/4 year old Cavapoo who lives in North Greenwood with my Pawrents, Brett and Catherine, and cat brother and sister, Aine and Percy.
I adore my Grandpawrents and love going to their house for staycations where I get the best shoulder rubs, extra cuddles, steal my cousins’ kitty food, and play with my friend, Ralphie, the mini poodle who lives next door.
Ginger Kitty is my best friend who lives down the block from me and she always comes out to say hi and have a sniff when I go on my daily walks.
One of my favourite activities is going to Zoom Room to practice agility and scent training with my trainer, Lexie. I am in Level II agility and Lexie says that I’m stellar at scent training! My pawrents take video clips to send to my three year old cousin, Hendrix, who loves them and calls them “Paddy TV.”
On a typical evening I can be found cuddled up with my pawrents and my favourite stuffy or favourite toy of the day, while chewing a bully stick or snoring adorably.
Paddington’s owner, Brett and Catherine, had this to say:
Paddington’s motto: Play Hard. Nap Harder.

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