Octobers Dog of the Month

Accelance Dev

My name is Mathilda with an H and I’m six months old. Since I was a baby, I’ve been interested in all kinds of toys. Now that I’m practically grown up, my favorite game is chasing soccer balls. Thanks to my very busy mom, I also do a lot of traveling on the weekends. My mom takes me to all the farmers markets around Seattle. Recently, I had a huge growth spurt, and she had to get me a bigger crate for the car. My aunt is always taking pictures of me and making me model different accessories. It’s good money, but I really don’t like wearing all those different costumes. I don’t want to be a show dog after all. I want to go to soccer school and eventually compete in the nationals. Someday beyond that, I’d like to get my own scooter and learn to drive it like my great uncle Norman, who is famous on YouTube.


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