Hi! My name is Lily Rose and I’m thrilled to be nominated as Zoom Room’s Dog of the Month! I’m told that I’m half border collie and half black lab, and I’m almost seven years old. Because I often do the BC stare and I crouch when I spot a squirrel or bunny, and I have a great off-switch and love to eat anything, my mom thinks that’s pretty accurate. I was 8 months old when my mom drove from Seattle to Bend, OR to meet some dogs from the rescue, Herd U Needed a Home (HUNAH), and, well, the truth is, I picked her. I wasn’t going to let her leave without ME! I had grown up in rural Idaho and had a rough start, but I was very brave, and people said I was so sweet (they still say that all the time!). I did my little “wiggle butt” dance and she could not resist taking me home with her. My mom says that I truly saved her that summer as she was still so sad from losing her beloved husband the year before.
I also live with my mom’s daughter and grandchild, who I LOVE, and their dog, Chibi, who is both my best friend and my nemesis—he takes the toys from me even though he’s smaller. I have a dog-walker, Rivers, who I adore, and a small pack of dear dog-friends. We love going to off-leash together and playing.
I started training at Zoom Room when I was about year old. In those early years, before this Covid-thing, I passed my Canine Good Citizenship test, passed through to Agility 3, did a scent workshop and a therapy dog workshop, and lots and lots of Rally Obedience with Mom. I made lots of people and dog-friends, and loved training in class and at home. I love to train! Recently, Mom and I have done some fun private lessons with Katie (I love Katie!), did the Scent II workshop, some tricks classes, and lots of Rally O. Mom and I are having so much fun and are even learning some master-level moves in Rally O! Mom wants me to become a therapy dog, so we’ll be working on that soon. Mom and I love doing things as a team! Thank you, Zoom Room, for all the opportunities we’ve had to succeed together!
Lily Rose’s owner, Adrienne, had this to say:

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