Loki – Leave My Shoes Alone!

Accelance Dev


Hi all,
My name is ‘Loki Leave My Shoes Alone’. I don’t know why Mom named me that, she seemed to feel it was appropriate. I am a miniature Australian shep- no wait. It is now miniature American Shepherd…doesn’t have the same ring as mini Aussie. I was born in Ellensburg and will be two in April.
My three favorite places other than home are (not necessarily in this order):
1) The dog park, Mom takes me almost every day, although she does skip a day or two after I have had a bath and it’s raining, but she knows how much I love to play in the mud puddles!! I get to play with my friends and chase my Frisbee and Jolly ball. I am a great soccer goalie.
2) Our trailer at the ocean beach. What’s not to love down there, beach to run on, chasing waves and seagulls, and getting to sleep with Mom. I only get to do that at home when Dad’s gone.
3) Zoom Room. I get to say hi to all my teacher friends whom I love and are great. I take obedience classes (ugh) and agility, which is fun watching Mom have to run. My favorite class is tricks, one because I get a lot of treats and two because I am a whiz at tricks. I also won the Halloween contest because I make a great Dragon, which had nothing to do with Mom making the costumes.
Well, that’s about it for now. Hope to see you soon at the Zoom Room.
Happy adventures

  • Favorite activity at the Zoom Room: Agility and Tricks

Loki’s owner, Marilou, had this to say:

Loki – loves to chase my shoes like any good herding dog!

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