Jumpin Jenny

Accelance Dev


My name is Jenny and I will be 7 years old this summer. I was born in a shelter in San Antonio, lived there for a while and then was brought to the Northwest. I was adopted by Karin and Terry Rogers when I was 9 months old. They found me on a Labrador adoption site but then tested me to find that I had no Lab at all in my makeup, but rather American Staffordshire Terrier, Golden Retriever and smaller parts of Husky, Boxer, Chow and Australian Cattle Dog. Whew! But I don’t care about that. I like me just as I am.

I was a pretty wild girl at first (did I mention the chewed sunglasses and the time I got up on the kitchen counter and removed all of the cooking utensils into my bed?), but my parents were kind and gentle with me and I started to mature. I love to run and swim and I have been going to Zoom Room for a long time. I look forward to my Friday evening agility class and the opportunity to see my friends Chucky, Tater, Brandon, Zoey and Hazel. We have a great time together. And the treats are cool!

I am also known as Jenny the Adventure Dog because I go on long hikes and walks with my mom Karin and her hiking partner Lisa. Since the beginning of the pandemic we have walked almost 4,000 miles, the length of the Pacific Crest and Appalachian Trails added together. And last week I even caught a mouse…but I have my sights set on a squirrel!

I look forward to more agility sessions and whatever other adventures come my way.

Jenny’s owner, Terry & Karin, had this to say:

We can’t wait for the next adventure!

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