Homie in the House

Accelance Dev

“Homie in the House!” That’s what Cheryl says to psych me up when I enter Zoom Room for agility. Not that I need it; I’m so excited when I wake up on Saturday morning that I watch my parents’ every move and bound to the car when they say the word “agility”! 

My original family moved off the small, beautiful island of Kauai and I eventually ended up at the Kauai Humane Society. I’d been living at the shelter for 6 months before my forever parents took me out on a field trip while vacationing on Kauai (check out the field trip program if you vacation on Kauai – highly recommend it!). They knew I was special and decided to adopt me and take me back to Seattle. 

Don’t get me wrong– I love my parents, but the weather in my new hometown is so much gloomier than in Kauai. I used to mope at home and nap under blankets a lot, until they finally took me to my first agility class, and from that moment on, I was hooked. 

People in Seattle have been very nice to me, even with what my vet refers to as “aggressive ear cropping”. I definitely make sure that people know how sweet I am when I approach them. I have been told both in Seattle and Kauai that I am an ambassador for the pit bull breed. I hope the positive energy I bring to agility will continue to break the stereotypes of my breed. It’s not everyday you get to see a cropped eared pit bull prancing and smiling at an agility course.

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