Butter Wouldn’t Melt

Accelance Dev

I’m Butter, a 4-month-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  I go to Zoom Room twice a week. One day to train my hoomans, Gary and Maggie. They’re slow learners so we’ll be here a while. The other for puppy play group where I get to run around with all my friends. I get knocked over a lot, but I’m learning to get back up (slowly)! I’m small but mighty!

I’d like to take this time, as dog of the month, to share my wisdom:
  • Belly scritches are the best and should be received whenever possible. When hoomans approach, assume the position.
  • When not getting the desired level of attention, throw around and chase your toys. When the hoomans want to play make a point to stop chasing your toys. Fetch is a solitary game.
  • Pretend your crate is too small. When your dad takes the bait and gives you more room, slowly one by one bring all your toys in so you can sleep with all your friends.·

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