LOS ANGELES, CA – Mark Van Wye, the CEO of Zoom Room, an innovative dog training company, was the featured guest on the acclaimed Local Business Hacks podcast hosted by Carl Case. In an inspiring episode that aired on June 19, 2023, Van Wye discussed his daily routine, the driving force behind Zoom Room, the importance of dog training and socialization, and his perception of success.

Zoom Room is a leading company specializing in dog training, socialization, and events, and has garnered much attention for its contributions to both the pet and human communities.

During the episode, Mark shed light on his highly disciplined morning routine that begins at 5:30 AM. A routine that comprises reading The Economist or The Wall Street Journal, attending to his email inbox, and preparing his child for school. He emphasized the significance of promptly responding to emails and keeping communications streamlined.

One of the highlights of the conversation was Mark’s infectious enthusiasm for Zoom Room’s mission. He articulated a compelling vision for the company, one in which Zoom Room becomes as ubiquitous as Starbucks, but in the realm of dog training. His ultimate aim is for Zoom Room to be the go-to brand for dog training, not just in the United States but across the globe.

Another key point of the discussion was the importance of in-person dog training and socialization. Van Wye expressed that socialization is integral to a dog’s behavior and that it cannot be achieved virtually. He stressed the unique value of Zoom Room’s brick-and-mortar presence, as it provides an environment for dogs to learn through their sense of smell and socialize in a controlled and positive setting.

Furthermore, Van Wye talked about the various events and social activities that Zoom Room organizes for dogs and their owners, including birthday parties and doggy disco nights. These events serve a dual purpose by providing dogs with exposure to novel environments and being an entertaining experience for the owners.

Mark also opened up about his perspective on success, which was recently redefined during Zoom Room’s summit in Dallas. The summit was an emotional and eye-opening experience for him, as he witnessed the community that Zoom Room has built and the many lives it has touched. He recounted the emotional reactions of the franchisees and was deeply moved by their stories and achievements.

The episode concluded with Mark Van Wye sharing an inspiring story about one of the franchisees, Colin from Arrowhead, Arizona. Colin, who started Zoom Room with his father, has shown tremendous growth and recently opened a second store. His journey embodies the spirit and mission of Zoom Room.

For entrepreneurs and dog lovers alike, this episode of Local Business Hacks is a must-listen, as Mark Van Wye provides invaluable insights into the makings of a successful and community-oriented business.



Founded in 2007, Zoom Room® is a venture-backed and revolutionary indoor dog training gym with locations across the U.S. With an emphasis on socialization, positive reinforcement, human education and the value of interactive learning, the company aims to strengthen the bond and communication between dogs and their owners. Zoom Room’s key revenue streams include dog training classes, socialization events and retail products. Zoom Room celebrates responsible pet owners who love to socialize with their dogs and embrace positive dog training methods in a fun, friendly environment for working out with your dog. They are the authors of the best-selling dog training book, Puppy Training in 7 Easy Steps, and Ultimate Puppy Training for Kids. Rooted in the belief that it’s important to give back to the community, Zoom Room works closely with animal rescue and welfare organizations both locally and nationwide. Learn more at https://zoomroom.com/.